PIUMA’s grassroots efforts continue to bring hope to Makete District

PIUMA, the Bulongwa area HIV citizens-activist group, continues its outreach to villages in Makete District, bringing its message to "test and live in hope" to hundreds of people.

PIUMA is particularly grateful for the ongoing professional support of Jackson Mbogela, the PIUMA HIV clinic director, and its nurse-clinician Mary Musoma as the organization continues its struggle to be recognized by the Minster of Health as the most appropriate and effective local provider of HIV education, prevention and care services.

PIUMA has submitted a comprehensive plan to bring innovative mobile services to the villages of Makete and has received widespread support from a growing number of local village leaders as well as the local MP. PIUMA representatives hope to meet with the Prime Minister of Tanzania when he visits Bulongwa this week and discuss their application for a license to operate a patient-managed Care and Treatment Centre.

PIUMA also continues to press for greater accountability for money that was made available for the HIV fight in Makete District but that has not reached the people in services.

The group is also attracting new leaders like a young man named Jospehat Sanga, a skilled adult educator who has joined the PIUMA village outreach team, reflecting the people's interest in building a strong voice for individuals, families and villages living in the heart of the HIV-AIDS pandemic.

At a recent PIUMA sposored public meeting in Makwaranga for example, 182 people gathered to listen to Josephat and other PIUMA leaders educate and challenge the people to join them in the battle against HIV.

September 25, 2006