New Canadian nursing text book dedicated to Highlands Hope nurses

Madeleine Buck visited the Highlands Hope clinics in January 2006 and has worked tirelessly since to build professional links between McGill University's School of Nursing and Highlands Hope nuse professionals. McGill Nurses for Highlands Hope, founded by Prof. Buck, sponsored attendance at AIDS 2006 in Toronto by Highlands Hope nurse Betty Liduke and has supported a Canadian and a Tanzanian recipient of the Highlands Hope Nursing Fellowship.

Prof. Buck's book is described by the publisher as, "The premier book of its kind, Health Assessment & Physical Examination, first Canadian edition, is designed to teach you to assess a patient's physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of health as a foundation to nursing care. The skills of interviewing, documentation, inspection, percussion, palpation, and auscultation are refined to teach you to make effective clinical judgments that promote healthy positive outcomes."

Prof. Buck also included a dedication that reads:

Dedicated to Betty Liduke, Mary Musoma, Tasilo Mdamu, and other members of the Nursing team of the Highlands Hope Consortium for their commitment, courage, creativity, and perseverance in dealing with the HIV pandemic in Tanzania.

A portion of profits from the sales of the book will go to the work of Highlands Hope.

For more information about the book, visit the Thomson-Nelson at: