Minutes from the regular meeting of Highlands Hope of Tanzania

Dear friends of HHP

We would like to convey our greetings to you all, as we hope your getting fine. we wish you happy for new year.
Here is a report of 9/12/2008 which was held at the above mentioned dates.



No Name Title Facility
1 Evangelista Kayombo Counselor TANWAT
2 Evelina Madunda Counselor Ikonda
3 Betiseba B. Liduke Counselor TANWAT
4 Tasilo B. Mdamu Counselor Njombe Gov. Hospital
5 Onolina Mahenge counselor Ikonda
6 Jacqueline Bocking McGil Nursig Student McGil Nursig School
7 Andra Leimanis McGil Nursig Student McGil Nursig School
8 Beltina Mbilinyi Counselor Ikonda

9 Leonia Samlongo Counselor Ikonda
10 Sixbelta Manga Counselor Ikonda
11 Potania Mfuse Counsellor Ikonda

- Opening
- Reading past minute
- Issues rose from past minute
- Research presentation
- Other issues
- Closing

1st Agenda: Opening

A chair person of HHP opened the meeting by greeting members of the HHP with thanks for their attendance which was followed with self introduction, and then it followed with others to new comers who came from Bulongwa. But before opening the chair person reported the death of Annahilda Mtega who was among of HHP member, also informed that some of members attended a burial sermon which was done at Lugarawa - Ludewa

2nd Reading past minute

The HHP secretary read the past minutes followed asking the members about the minutes if was as how it is. The members of HHP agreed it.

3rd Issues rose from past minute

Computer training not yet to three HHP members, the problem is lack of a teacher who can complete the left programme, wile those who not yet to start they have arranged with a teacher to teach them. But we want to put extra efforts to make sure that we gate teachers to teach them. Also members were encouraged to engage with secondary subjects.
Annual contribution;

We discussed about annual contribution, for the sack of raising HHP basket Fund. This will be decided at the next meeting after reading the constitution. Also there will be a modification of some areas of the constitution to make open to every HHP member.

Topic of a day
PMTCT counseling.
The topic of PMTCT counseling was agreed at the 13th/Sep/2008 that could be tough, but the presenter presented the introduction of general counseling, especial Eclectic method of counseling was introduced.
Andra and Jack presented their summary of their study which well detailed.
The topic of use of ARVs was not presented by Dr. V. Mponzi as he was not present.
Chair person requested the HHP members to arrange the next meeting, which will be 7/March/2009 at 9am.
After all of the above the chair person welcomed use at meal of saying good bye to students from Canada. The meeting was closed at 12.50 pm