Highlands Hope staff attend AIDS 2006 in Toronto, Canada

Three members of the Highlands Hope professional team are among 24,000 researchers, clinicians and activists gathering in Toronto for the biggest conference on HIV-AIDS in the world.

Betty Liduke from Tanwat Hospital and Dr. Rainer Brandl and Jackson Mbogela from the PIUMA Clinic in Bulongwa will take part in a week of presentations, panel discussions and forums on the latest news and information about AIDS and the world's battle to stop it. The conference runs from August 13 - 18.

Rainer and Jackson have both been invited to present formal scientific posters on the experience of PIUMA in the implementation of HAART in Makete District and the importance of grassroots involvement in efforts to halt the spread of HIV.

Betty is attending with the support of the Tanwat Company Hospital, the McGill School of Nursing, and Canadian Friends of Highlands Hope.

All three will travel to Montreal for a week of meetings with McGill University and other partners following AIDS 2006.

For more information, contact Royal Orr at royal.orr@cossette.com

August 10, 2006.