Highlands Hope of Tanzania publishes 2006-2007 activities report and priorities for 2008


By the end of 2005 and estimated 24.5 million adult and children was living with HIV in sub-sahara-Africa. During that year of 2 million people died from AIDS. The epidemic left behind some 12 million orphaned children (UNICEF report 2005) most individuals are un aware that they are infected, with young women being the most vulnerable group. Mobility and poverty continue to contribute to the high prevalence rate. In Tanzania 7% national rate among adults translating approximately 2 million Tanzanian of these 1 million are in need of HIV care and 400,000 are estimated to be in need of treatment with anti-retroviral therapy.


HHT is a small network of health professional and community who are struggling on frontline to fight HIV/AIDS pandemic that scything through people of rural area in mountains district at southern highland basing Njombe and Makete district.

The nurses, organizers and ordinary patient involved with Highlands Hope are courageous, committed and racing the clock to bring education, testing and anti-retroviral therapies to thousands of individual who are PLWHAS, widow, widowers and orphans who's already in difficulty lives which have been made almost impossible by HIV/AIDS.

Highlands Hope demands justice and better treatment for the people of rural Tanzania (Njombe and Makete district). The Highlands Hope HIV clinics have provided counseling and testing to more than 3000 patients.
The increase rate of HIV/AIDS in Njombe and Makete district made inaquate health care centers, care and treatment and voluntary counseling and testing services thus made Highlands Hope network start addressing long term care and issue to PLWHAS.


Ikonda CTC, TANWAT CTC, PIUMA and other NGOS Kibena Women Association and CHAKUNIMU and partners St Georges school Canada, Mcgill school of nursing Canada EAWM in Austria and Friends of HHT have invested substantial amount of money and created impressive network of trained and volunteers who have demonstrated their ability to provide dozens of villages with great efficiency. The argument the impact of professional allows the entry of HIV education and testing into village life in away that is impossible without it.

- Awareness of HIV/AIDS to community
- Voluntary counseling and testing
- Care and Treatment services
- PMCTC services
- Home based care services
- Supporting and care of orphans and children with difficulty situation
- Nutrition counseling
- Research program


With support of EAWM Austria, St Georges School Canada, McGill School of Nursing Canada and Friends of HHT the following projects have been performed.
1. Capacity building to widow/widower ( Kibena Women Association HHT and St Georges school)
2. Care of orphans at schools ( Kibena Women Association HHT and St Georges school)
3. Computer skills training ( HHT nurse counselor and Mcgill school of nursing)
4. Support nurses with funds:- Mcgill school of Nursing and HHT friends
5. Tasilo Mdamu advanced diploma at PHC Iringa supported with learning material
6. Flora Haule diploma at Ilembula school of nursing suppoted in school fees to finish forth year 2008
7. Betty Liduke and Jackson Mbogela supported in attending the HIV conference in Toronto Canada
8. Pain assessment and management workshop at TANWAT hospital done by Sylvie Lambert from the McGill School of Nursing

9. Conducting standby and mobile VCT PIUMA, EAWM
10. Solidarity walk PIUMA, HHT friends
11. Research of PMCTC this is ending on 15th February is carried on by the student nurse Tasilo Mdamu and HHT nurse counselors the main objective of the research is to find out why mothers with HIV after delivery they don't turn up to CTC and the area of interest is Makete district.
8. Care and Treatment Ikonda and TANWAT
9. Trainings to Peer Educators and village HIV committee TANWAT