Highlands Hope keeps on operating SENIORS’ DAY CENTERS (Elderly care and support program)

Highlands Hope Umbrella has been working in partnership with TANWAT Hospital in many programs and one of them is this "SENIORS' DAY CENTER". It has been a very interesting program as elders found in Njombe (Kibena and Itulike) are having a good time and feeling the community love to them on every time they meet for monthly events.

Senior Day Centre is a program established for the purpose of supporting older people aged between 60 years and above, who have been forgotten and abundant with the community and turn into dysfunctional characterized by lost opportunities, financial disaster, dependants and alcoholism.

The program started on 3rd August 2012 under the Tanwat hospital which dedicated to offer many services to the older people including meeting health care professionals, medication, body checkup, setting goals to increase level of autonomy, participating development activities to increase their source of income.

Founder of this program is Mr. Edmund Mnubi, who was invited for a tour study in Quebec, Canada at Jeffery Hale Hospital where they had same program. He was inspired and wished to establish same program for our aged group in our communities.



The day center provides services that help seniors experiencing loss of autonomy remain in their own homes.  The activities that are delivered to elders fall under the following categories: physical and psychosocial health and the retention of acquired skills. These are delivered by the team that includes special educators, an occupational therapist and a nurse.

The purpose of the Day center is to delay the overall deterioration of seniors’ health, offer care givers and reduce their isolation.