Highlands Hope Chairperson and Coordinator to visit partners in Canada

Highlands Hope Chairperson Evangelista Kayombo and Coordinator Betty Liduke will travel to Montreal on March 27 for two weeks of meetings with partners at McGill University, St. George's School, St. Lambert United Church, and Bishop's University.

During their visit, the Highlands Hope representatives will plan for next steps with the School of Nursing at McGill University for the extension of a partnership that has already seen five representatives of the School work in Tanzania including two McGill Nurses for Highlands Hope Fellows and two students from the School's Global Health MSc program.

Evangelista and Betty will also visit Bishop's University in Sherbrooke and meet two student interns who will be traveling to Njombe in May to work with orphans and vulnerable children and youth organizations affiliated with Highlands Hope of Tanzania.

While in Canada, the representatives will revisit long-time funding partners at St. George's School in Westmount and at St. Lambert United Church.