PIUMA leases new space for HIV services in Bulongwa
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PIUMA leases new space for HIV services in Bulongwa
Minutes of the meeting of the Highlands Hope Consortium Nurse Counselor Network in Ikonda
The Highlands Hope network will be looking at ways to extend the use of computerized medical records for better patient care and enhanced efficiency over the next year as a priority issue.
The Secretary of the Highlands Hope Consortium Nurse-Counsellor Network, Tasilo Mdamu, has just been awarded a McGill Nurses for Highlands Hope Fellowship to assist him in advanced studies in public health in Iringa.
Gerhard Raxendorfer, an HIV activist in Austria and with PIUMA in Makete District, is recognized by a Salzburg newspaper as one of the most influential people from his home region.
In January 2006, Montreal’s famed Gazette cartoonist Terry Mosher (Aislin) traveled to the Southern Highlands of the East African nation of Tanzania to visit Highlands Hope.
He captured the beauty, the heartbreak and the courageous determination of Highlands Hope activists like nurse Betty Liduke, community-organizer Jackson Mbogela, and the men, women and children who make the Makete and Njombe Districts of Tanzania a very special place.