Mr. Linus Vangamea is a polite man and leader as he is a Ward Education Coordinator (WEC) of Iniho ward in Makete District where Highlands Hope Umbrella has started implementing the YOUTH PEER HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAM in primary schools.
He warmly welcomed us starting the day of YPHE’s selection as we were doing selection hand to hand, we used to be together the whole day of selection as he guided us to visit the whole selected school in his ward.
On the arrival day for training he did the same as he played a role of finding us a place to reside, he prepared a meal for us; he also prepared grilled maize for us before dinner. Daily he was paying a visit to our residents something which makes us not to feel lonely.
It’s so amazing he introduced well the project by explaining well objectives of the project to YPHE’s and to Mentors. He said “this training will help them to change negative attitudes and mind of all YPHE’s, build confidence and make YPHE’s to develop their abilities to learn and teach each other.”
Mr. Linus Vangamea also encouraged teachers to participate well during the training because the training will help them to develop their knowledge, get new ways of teaching and be recognized as YPHE mentors in schools.
“I promise to participate by attending in all days of training in order to learn new knowledge and to be part of the program so that I can easily monitor the sustainability of the program in my schools” Vangamea said. This was something very new to HHU trainers as was the first time to meet a Ward Educational Coordinator attending all training sessions with other primary school teachers. He was also the guest of honor during the opening of the training sessions at Iniho primary school.
During sessions
He participated well by sharing information and experience on different issues by giving us vivid example about life of Iniho, which made us easy to train YPHE’s and understand their culture in general. Also in each last session he commented and advised trainers, mentors and YPHE’s to make improvement for other coming sessions.
Closing day;
Linus Vangamea worked very close with Site Trainer George Sanga arranging about closing ceremonies and the guest of honour to hand certificates and other awards to participants. He showed gratitude for all by saying that “most of YPHE’s and mentors have changed positively, they learned allot of new things such as teaching strategies”.
He promised to make the project sustainable by;
-Making sure that YPHE’s and mentors play their part as new educators
-Making sure mentors and YPHE’s visit all schools (outreach) at Iniho ward by sharing information gained during the trainings.
- Visiting schools and YPHEs frequently.
HHU director on behalf of HHU board awarded Mr. Linus Vangamea a special Appreciation certificate for the Maximum cooperation he has been showing towards the success of PEER HEALTH EDUCATION program in Iniho ward schools.
Reported by:
Neema Mkwawa
YPHE trainer