The "One World Award" of Bürmoos (District of Salzburg, Austria) was presented Friday, November 16, 2007, to PIUMA, the Tanzanian HIV patient self-help organization, and to Gerhard Raxendorfer, an Austrian HIV-positive volunteer who has worked with PIUMA in the village of Bulongwa .
PIUMA was represented by Wema Sanga, General-Sectretary of the organization. She and Gerhard clearly demonstrated the truth of PIUMA's slogan, imara kama samba ("strong like a lion") in their forceful presentations.
Wema spoke about the efforts of PLWAHs in the Makete District of the Southern Highlands of Tanzania to secure basic human rights, better health care, and support for orphans. She also spoke of the organization's fight against corruption in political and church bureaucracies in her region.
Wema and Gerhard addressed an to an audience of about 120 activists and dignitaries in the town hall of Bürmoos.
In addition to a cheque of 1.000 Euros, PIUMA received a unique sculpture by the artist Christiane Pott-Schlager.