After 9 training days, it was a good time on the 10th day for both trained youth peer health educators, teachers, trainers and HHU staff celebrating the graduation of wonderful students who are going to be Peer educators in their primary schools.
During training days YPHEs were given good guidance and support to help them become competent and confidence as LEADERS in their schools and future leaders in their communities.
Different government officials participated in the ceremonies and the guest of Honor was NJOMBE REGION AIDS COORDINATOR (RAC) Dr. Kessy who gave a nice speech very encouraging to our YPHEs and teachers to keep on working hard for the sustainability of the project in schools. He also explained the HIV/AIDS situation in Njombe region and that it is a leading Region for the new spread of HIV in Tanzania. He congratulated HHU and gave thanks to donors for thinking of a very innovative project and that it is the first Organization not only in Njombe but also in Tanzania to prepare primary school students become peer educators. “It is a good experience that you students are getting now; I didn’t get this opportunity of being trained and become an educator when I was young like you. You have to use well this golden given chance to bring changes in schools and community as whole.” Said Dr. Kessy when he was encouraging YPHEs to work hard
What do head of schools and teachers say about the program?
? “In a very short period of time just during the training weeks we have observed grea changes to our students n terms of their comfort level and learning abilities even in other subjects in normal classes at school” Said Mr. Adam Ndunguru, a teacher from Imalinyi primary school.
? “We as head of schools are going to have something good to present to our education officers when they will be visiting our schools; telling them about having YPHEs in schools and sharing all the positive impacts of the program will be our proud things to tell” Said the Principal of Utelewe primary school.
What do YPHEs say about the training?
? Dickson Msuya, who was selected as a group chairperson during training sessions and also selected by his school mates to be the chairperson at Ulembwe primary school, gave a wonderful speech during closing ceremonies.
“We have already started to try conducting some discussions and presentations at our school, the first challenge we have faced is that there are no free periods during class ours for us to do these, we are asking our principals in schools to recognize our presence in schools and give us time to share what we have been taught to do as YPHEs” Said Dickson while facing the high table where head of schools and guests were seating.
Edmund Mnubi is a Finance and Administrator from TANWAT Co. Ltd (HHU partners), he also attended the ceremonies and appreciated what HHU is doing and the good support from Canadian friends, McGill University School of nursing and all who are working hard to make things happen.
“This is an innovative project and will bring up positive social, moral and behavioral changes to our primary school students as they grow up”
Reported by:
George Menson Sanga – YPHE site trainer (Highlands Hope Umbrella)