TANWAT Company Hospital and the McGill University School of Nursing developing agreement to train Canadian and Tanzanian nurses

The TANWAT Company Hospital in Njombe, one of the three founding Highlands Hope institutions, is signing an agreement with the McGill University School of Nursing to become one of the School's recognized training sites for its MSc programme in International Health.

"We're excited to be moving forward with this," says Associate Director of the McGill School of Nursing, Prof. Madeleine Buck. "This builds on the very positive relationship that we have with TANWAT and with nursing leader and Highlands Hope of Tanzania Coordinator Betty Liduke in particular."

Two McGill Nurses for Highlands Hope Fellowship holders have worked with Betty in Njombe and Ikonda. The first Fellowship holder, Christina Clausen, helped with the formal establishment of Highlands Hope of Tanzania in early 2007. Sylvie Lambert, the second Fellowship recipient, recently returned from a three month visit where she developed a professional training module on pain assessment and management with TANWAT and Highlands Hope healthcare workers.

The McGill University School of Nursing is already planning for two MSc students to be at TANWAT for the Fall 2008 term. These students will be doing advanced studies on issues that have been identified by Highlands Hope of Tanzania nurse-counselors as areas of professional concern.

Watch for more updates as this exciting partnership continues to grow!