Highlands Hope of Tanzania nurses meet in Ikonda


Evangelista Kayombo chair/Counselor TANWAT
Leonila Samlongo counselor Ikonda
Rose Msigala counselor Ikonda
M. Msigwa counselor Ikonda
Onolina Mahenge Treasurer Ikonda
Potania Mfuse PMCTC counselor Ikonda
Andrew Auruku Laboratory Tech volunteer TANWAT
Batseba Betty Liduke Counselor /Coordinator Tanwat

Tasilo Mdamu - Secretary HHT- Advanced diploma student - Iringa PHC
Elekia Msigwa - HBC Counselor TANWAT
Anahilda Mtega - Adherence Counselor TANWAT

Reading of past minute
Matter rose from past minute
Other matters

Before opening of the meeting prayer was done to bless all which is going to be discussed during the meeting

The meeting was been opened by HHT chair E. Kayombo by explaining on why the number of participants is not satisfactory. The meeting was opened at 10:15 am

Reading of past minutes
One participant read the past minute carefully followed by questions and addition from other participant generally the participant agreed the minute.

Matters rose from the past minute
Computer Training
Ikonda nurses reported of four nurses who have already started the training and they need fees for the 3 program which is remaining. HHT coordinator gave them 240,000 Tsh which is a fund for training. Nurses who are on Computer training this time are
- Rose Msigala
- Leonila Mfuse
- Potania Mfuse
- Onolina Mbilinyi

Registration of HHT network
Participants decided together to register officially HHT and from now the process of registration to be prepared and those participants who are in Njombe to go on with registration.

Other matters
Planning for other training for nurses will be of benefit to HHT nurses as this will be easy to know how many nurses should be attending the training. Participants insisted that those nurses who are not yet under gone secondary education should be helped to reach the level of secondary and 5 nurses from HHT nurses are not yet done the secondary examination one is going to sit for secondary examination this year 2008 the remaining should arrange for next year where by almost 300,000 Tsh is needed for them.

Every year at list 2 nurses to join Diploma or Counseling and budget for it should be done so to know how much will be needed every year. Other participants said at list Three million Tsh is needed every year for the Diploma training for 2 nurses.

The selected topic was not made as the clinician who was supposed to present it was in theatre for emergency work. The topic was spared for next meeting.

Next meeting will be held on September but the date should be announced later as this will depend on the student from Canada arrival.

The meeting was closed at 1:30 noon by Chair who thanked all participated for their presence.

Prepared by
Mrs. Onolina Mbilinyi
Treasurer HHT