Computer training for Highlands Hope nurse-counsellors a big success

Eight nurse counsellors at Consolata Hospital Ikonda's HIV Care and Treatment Centre, as well as nurses at TANWAT Company Hopsital and with the patient activist group PIUMA are hard at work learning the basics of computers in a 3 month program initiated by the Highlands Hope Nurse-Counselor Network.

Betty Liduke, Chair of the Network, reports that the skills training programme is going very well in Ikonda. In Bulongwa, a Network member is working with a Peace Corps volunteer to get the same training. These nurse-counsellors have very heavy workloads in their clinics but have found the time and the resources to participate.

McGill Nurses for Highlands Hope provided a matching grant to support the program. Discussions are underway to look at next steps and to extend these skills into a clinical setting.