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Update from Bishop’s students with Highlands Hope in Njombe

Bishop's University's Meloche-Monnex interns Kathryn Hansen and Ariane Desmarais-Michaud are completing a study visit to Njombe where they have been assisting the Kibena Women's Association and the Highlands Hope affiliated youth group KYOFI investigate support available for orphans at public schools in the area.

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Neighbours Helping Neighbours!

The Highlands Hope of Tanzania HIV peer educator groups CHAKUNIMU and PIUTA invited the PLWHA human rights organization PIUMA to gather for a week-long learning session on methods for volunteer-driven home based care for families living with HIV.

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Terry’s Tanzania

In January 2006, Montreal’s famed Gazette cartoonist Terry Mosher (Aislin) traveled to the Southern Highlands of the East African nation of Tanzania to visit Highlands Hope.

He captured the beauty, the heartbreak and the courageous determination of Highlands Hope activists like nurse Betty Liduke, community-organizer Jackson Mbogela, and the men, women and children who make the Makete and Njombe Districts of Tanzania a very special place.

Take a look at Terry’s scrapbook